Thursday 12 May 2016

Quoting Shakespeare

2016 marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's (1564-1616) death, and in honour of this amazing wordsmith we present below a list of common expressions we use today which were first voiced by him.  The power of the bard's words is demonstrated by how easily they trip off our tongues - his skill has permeated our sub conscious to the degree that we do not realise we are even quoting Shakespeare.  
Shakespeare Plaque
Site of the Globe Theatre

Own flesh and blood
Bloody minded
Green eyed jealousy
See better days
Slept not one wink
Blinking idiot
Tongue in your head
Tongue tied
Teeth set on edge
Laughing stock
Laughed yourself into stitches
The stony hearted villain
Tower of strength
Stood on ceremony
Budge an inch
Lie low
High time
Long and short of it
Vanish into thin air
Globe Theatre
 Cold comfort
Dead as a door nail
Good riddance
In a pickle
Truth will out
Truth were known
Foregone conclusion
Fair play
Foul play
Game is up
Its early days
More in sorrow than in anger
Too much of a good thing
Give the devil his due
The devil incarnate
A fool’s paradise
Send me packing
One fell swoop
Without rhyme and reason
Its Greek to me
By Jove
What the Dickens

For goodness sake

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