Wednesday 17 August 2016

"Literary Links" - Harry Potter in Oxford Part 2

"Literary Links" is a series of posts celebrating Britain's wonderful links with great authors, dramatists and poets.

The Harry Potter movies also used Oxford locations in the Divinity School and in New College.

The Divinity School is another of Oxford's great medieval masterpieces with its impressive vaulted roof built between 1427 – 1483.  Beneath this roof is where students once debated with their masters to earn their degrees.   

Harry Potter fans will recognise the Divinity School as both the Hogwarts Hospital and the dance hall where Professor McGonagall attempts to teach the students how to dance.  The ancient library above is used by Harry, Ron and Hermione to find out details about Nicholas Flamel and Polyjuice Potion.  

The cloisters of New College, with the huge tree in the middle, served as the setting for a number of Harry Potter scenes.  It was here that Mad Eye Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret, where pupils wear ‘Potter stinks’ badges, where Harry shares the secret with Cedric Diggory that their first challenge was dragons, and where Harry calls Ron a ‘git’.

This is an excerpt from the self guided tours of Oxford’s Noble and Great Ones.  
The Divinity School is found in Tour Three.
New College is found in Tour Two
The full tours are found on

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