Thursday 11 December 2014

Liverpool - The Liver Birds

The Liver Bird is a mythical creature, so any birdwatchers hoping to catch a glimpse of one will have a very long wait.  Historians often trace its lineage to a coat of arms made over 700 years ago which displayed the eagle of St. John the Evangelist.    So someone’s really bad drawing of an eagle evolved into a make believe bird that has become Liverpool's symbol. 

 The two enormous Liver Birds on top of the Royal Liver Friendly Society building are here because the Friendly Society adopted them as part of their company logo and this is their HQ.

 There are some funny local legends attached to these two birds.

The one looking out to sea is supposed to be female since she is waiting to see when the sailors are coming in.  The bird facing towards the City is male because he is waiting to see when the pubs will open.

There is also a legend that if an honest man or a virtuous woman ever walks besides the Liver building the Liver birds’ wings will flap.  They have yet to move.

It is also claimed that if they were to fly away the City of Liverpool would fall.  You will note they have been tied down to prevent them leaving… or are those just support lines?  You decide. 

This is an excerpt from the FREE tour Liverpool: Pier Head found on

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