Tuesday 13 January 2015

London - St Lawrence Drinking Fountain

The St Lawrence and Mary Magdalene Drinking Fountain is a very ornate example of the hundreds of drinking fountains which appeared all over the capital to provide clean drinking water and a healthy alternative to popping in the pub.   Originally this watering hole stood in the guildhall yard outside the church of St Lawrence Jewry from 1866-1970. 

One of the reliefs depicts the miracle of Moses providing water for the Israelites,

“Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink…”

Above Moses is the statue of St Lawrence the martyr (c. 225-258) holding a large gridiron in one hand.  The Roman Emperor demanded that Lawrence, one of the deacons of Rome, gather the riches of the church and bring them to him.   Lawrence quickly gave everything away to the poor, and arrived at the Emperor’s door empty handed claiming that the people were the riches of the church.  The Emperor had him put to death on a gridiron over hot coals.  The legend claims he cried out “I’m well done.  Turn me over!”   

The fountain was restored and relocated here in 2010.  

This is an excerpt from the FREE tour St Paul's Precincts found on www.obelisktours.co.uk

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