Thursday 30 April 2015

Merseyside - Port Sunlight War Memorial

May 2015 has some significant war anniversaries:
  • 70th  - 8 May 1945 - VE Day - Victory in Europe
  • 70th - 9 May 1945 - World War II - Channel Islands are liberated.
  • 75th - 10 May 1940 - World War II - The first German bombs land in Kent.
  • 75th - 10 May 1940 - World War II - Winston Churchill replaces Neville Chamberlain as Prime Minister. 
  • 75th - 13 May 1940 - Winston Churchill gives his famous "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" speech in the House of Commons.
It was a hard won war and the cost in human life was tragic.    I'm always moved when I see war memorials. Nearly every town and village in Britain has a memorial to the fallen of World War One or World War Two, but Port Sunlight's Memorial is different.

Port Sunlight is a model community built by Lord Leverhulme - the founder of Sunlight Soap.   This community is well worth a visit if you get a chance to pass by that way.  A nice heritage centre, a stunning art gallery, and...the reason for this post... a moving war memorial.

Port Sunlight War Memorial

You  have your usual heroic military figures, but I love how the whole thing is interwoven with family and children.

Freedom often comes at an horrific price, but when it is in defense of freedom, our peace, our wives, and our children then there is a clarity behind the struggle.   No more words... why not take a look yourself:

Thank you Port Sunlight.

For a tour app of this model town visit

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